Archive for Audition

5 Asian Movies to get you going

Posted in Film Opinion with tags , , , , , on December 20, 2009 by shockncult

Alright here are 5 Asian films that I think are movies if you see any these should be the first. The movies are either gory, scary as hell, or just plain rocking.


Director: Takshi Miike

This movie starts of slow but be patient, the wheels will fall off. Do not let anyone tell you anything about this movie before you see it.


Director:Chan-Wook Park

This movie may have one of the greatest endings ever. Some parts of this movie will make you squirm. Run don’t walk to see this one.

The Host

Director: Joon-ho Bong

This movie will make ya jump. But the reason this one is on here is because it is just plain fun. It reminds me of the old Godzilla movies…but ALOT better. It is hilarious at times also. This one is probably the easiest to find.

The Tale of Two Sisters

Director: Ji-Woon Kim

This movie is probably one the scariest movie I have seen in awhile…and I’m not easily scared. It just sets up the tension early and never lets go.

Ichi the Killer

Director: Takashi Miike

Another freacky movie from Miike. This movie isn’t scary as much as it is just a gore fest. Alot of action and some scenes are very gruesome. If you like blood you will love this movie.

Well, that is a small list to get ya stated. There are others like Ringu and Ju-On but these surpass those in my opinion. These movies are the ones that got me hooked on the Asian films. Takashi Miike may be actually be a crazy bastard and his movies show it, that’s why I love them . Also Chan-Wook Park may very well be the best overall director right now in Asian films. Anyof his movies are worth checking out.

So run out and pick these up. You won’t be sorry.