Archive for True Blood

The State of Movies Today

Posted in Film Opinion, Rant with tags , , , , , , on December 19, 2009 by shockncult

Let me first start off by saying that I love movies from every era. Earlier I posted my favorite movies but that doesn’t mean that I think those are the greatest films of all time. That is a whole list all together.

With that being said the reason I watch a lot of movies that I post on this blog is because I am bored. I am bored with state of Film. Hollywood has completely watered down the movies to the point of boredom. It is a lot of rehashed ideas or plots we have seen 300 times before that year.

Or we have have the other side of the coin which is movies get made that are so “artsy” that no one but the director can watch it with enjoyment. I mean c’mon, does anyone actually like The English Patient? I don’t think so.

Take the Vampire phenomenon that is going on right now. Do we really need this many Vampire movies and television shows? One thing hit it big and then every one is trying to cash in on the popularity of the Vampire cash cow.

With that being said there is one shining light..the series True Blood.  I have to admit that I am a fan but that is because it is written for adults not 15 year old girls by an author that writes like a 15 year old girl (yes I went there).

Twilight is all that is wrong in Hollywood. The books are crap. The movies are crap. Are you Team Jacob or Team Edward? I say who cares!!! I keep hoping for Hugh Jackman from Van Helsing or Wesley Snipes from Blade to show up and take out the whole bunch. Now that is a movie I would watch. Plus doesn’t anyone thinks it’s a little creepy that a 100 year old vampire has fallen in love with a 16 year old girl? Shouldn’t someone call child protective services? I mean isn’t that the very definition of a pedophile?

Sorry, I get my Twilight rant started and it is hard to stop.

Now listen there are alot of movies that I do like. For instance, I actually do like both Transformer movies. I love almost anything put out about a comic (other than Superman Returns and that crappy Punisher movie). The thing that a movie must have today is to not try and be more then it is.

Transformers is a movie that is put out for one thing…fun. You are supposed to go to the movies, turn off your brain and enjoy the ride. That’s it..nothing more..nothing less.

Things that I am sick of seeing are for one these romance movies. And is it me but is Amy Adams in like 85% of them. And Matthew McConaughey the other 15%. I mean they all seem like the same movie.

Enough with the stupid parody movies like Meet the Spartans and Dance Movie. If you actually go to the theater to see any of these movies you should really go and rethink your life because these movies are guaranteed to lower your IQ or make you impotent.

The reason shocking movies or cult movies are worth watching, even bad ones usually, are because it is at least an attempt at an original though. And if it wasn’t then at least they were not trying to be more then they were supposed to be.

The problem now is Hollywood has decided that because these movies are cool they are going to remake them. They are going back and remaking everything from old Grindhouse movies to Asian horror flicks (which they have been doing that for awhile now). The problem with that is it becomes watered down or reduced to a bunch of “boo” attempts instead of smart horror.

If you don’t believe me go check out The Tale of Two Sisters and then check out The Uninvited and tell me it isn’t watered down.

Hollywood is so afraid of messing up that it will not take a chance anymore. Even the indie scene is becoming that way and it is killing film.

So basically if you are bored with movies check out the movies I talk about on here. If you are interested in more then that hit me up a comment and I will send you a list of films to check out. I will try and post a list of different kinds of films soon to check out. There are all kinds of resources online for the different kind of genres I talk about here and I will post some cool sites later.

Take a chance, let go of what you think a movie should be. Don’t be afraid to try something old. Don’t be afraid to watch a movie with subtitles. Don’t let something like fake gore or sex keep you from watching a movie that might actually be good or at least interesting to watch. You might just be surprised.